Our Story
Rooted in a rich history and abundant in nutrition, a pomegranate became the logo for Pomegranate Plus, LLC. This ancient fruit that represents health, wellness, rejuvenation, sanctity and abundance stands as the symbol for Danielle Cook’s umbrella company and blankets the programs she has to offer.
Each of Danielle’s programs are founded on teaching the value of eating and cooking seasonal, nutrient-dense ingredients, in times of health, illness, recovery, prevention, or the need to boost one’s immune system.
Through Pomegranate Plus programs, an opportunity is never missed to share the simple wonders that nature can produce from a garden plot to dinner plate.
Our Team
Danielle Cook
Danielle Cook , MS, runs the Happily Hungry nutrition program for young cancer patients, adolescent and young adult cancer survivors, their parents and caregivers at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital’s Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Clinic in Washington, DC and at The Children’s Inn, National Institute of Health, in Bethesda, MD.
Her first book, Happily Hungry: Smart Recipes for Kids with Cancer was released in September 2012.
Danielle has appeared on the Today Show, CNN with Sanjay Gupta, and France24 News. She lives in Washington, DC.
Adrienne Cook
Author of the Washington Post’s Backyard Gardener, Adrienne Cook has been writing and speaking in public on gardening and cooking topics for more than 30 years.
Adrienne retired the column in 2003 but continues to garden and develop recipes to use up the fruits, vegetables and herbs she grows in Fauquier County, Virginia.